1. Beth Moulam: Beth is a lifelong dreamer whose passion is to empower augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) users to fulfil their own communication potential. She represented Great Britain at the Tokyo Paralympics 2020 in boccia. In 2021 she graduated from the University of York in Social Policy, and she continues her studies at post-grad level focusing on communication disability and policy. She is a Doctor of Health (h.c.) for her AAC advocacy work and is an Executive Board member of the International Society for augmentative and alternative communication (ISAAC) representing people who use AAC.

    Beth is also Trustee of Communication Matters, the UK Chapter of ISAAC and Patron of 1 Voice, a UK charity for young AAC users and their families.  Beth is a committee member for the International Communication Rights Alliance. In 2023 Beth was nominated on the Disability Power 100 list (top UK disabled influencers) for her advocacy work, and is shortlisted for the 2024 awards. As a multimodal communicator Beth uses AAC including eye-gaze to communicate in everyday life.

    2. Jacob Matthew: Jacob Matthew lives with Cerebral Palsy, and as a result has a communication difficulty. He has worked on a number of Scope’s Communication Access initiatives since 2018 and he now works as a consultant- on major national and strategic projects. He is a member of the International Communication Rights Alliance, where he recently presented to the United Nations Conventional for Person’s with Disability. Furthermore, Jacob has had a keen interest for Architecture from a young age, which led him to gaining his Diploma in Access Consulting. He is passionate about Universal Access, and brings his life experiences, as well as his formal training work experience to this work.

    3. Sachin Rizal: Mr. Sachin Rizal has nearly 18 years of experience working with Sense India in the field of deafblindness and multiple disabilities. As India’s first official deafblind interpreter, he has developed expertise in supporting individuals with deafblindness and their families. Currently serving as the Head of Capacity Building at Sense India, he works with partner organizations in India, Bangladesh, and Nepal.

    He has trained children and adults with deafblindness, educators, professionals, and has also trained master trainers under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) to work with children with deafblindness and multiple disabilities. Additionally, he is skilled in curriculum development and has presented papers at national and international forums.

    Should you require more information, please feel free to get back to me: sachin@senseintindia.org