Until May 2024 Siân Tesni was CBM International’s Senior Advisor for Inclusive Education when she retired after over 4 decades of professional work in education. Born in Wales, UK, she is a qualified teacher of learners who are deaf or hard of hearing, where she worked in several roles for 11 years. During that time she developed post 16 services for young people and adults who are deaf or hard of hearing, including developing training courses for communicators in South Wales.

Since 1991, she has been involved in international development and humanitarian action related to inclusive education in low-middle-income-countries involving amongst others, policy development, guidelines, international advocacy, capacity development and service provision related to ear and hearing care, audiology, education of learners who are deaf, hard of hearing or deafblind and inclusive education in general. She has extensive experience and knowledge of inclusive education practices in low-middle-income-countries. Siân was co-coordinator of the International Disability and Development Inclusive Education Task Group for over a decade where she led advocacy for disability inclusive education towards and collaborated with amongst others, UN bodies, WHO, Global Partnership for Education, Global Campaign for Education and a contributor to many publications e.g. the CBM Inclusive Education Training Guide (https://www.cbm.org/fileadmin/user_upload/Inclusive_Education_Training_Guide__Accessible.pdf)

As a recently retired professional, Siân continues her engagement in international development.