H. E. Dr Walton Aubrey Webson is Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative of Antigua, and Barbuda to the United Nations.

Dr Walton Webson holds a Bachelor of Science degree, a Master of Science in Management of Non-Profit Organizations and A Post Graduate Diploma in Organizational Development from the New School for Social Research, New York, and a Doctorate in Management from Case Western Reserve University in Ohio United States of America.

Dr Webson worked for several international organizations including Sight Savers International (UK) Helen Keller International (New York) the Caribbean Council for the blind (Antigua Barbuda) and he was the CEO of Perkins International from 2011 to 2014.

He has written on NGO development, the structure and operation of Nonprofit Boards, the management of organizations. And on Eye health and the SDGS.

He has written and spoken widely at international meeting and conferences on Rehabilitation and education of persons with disability and on the growing global crisis in Eye health. He championed at the United Nations the international sign language and world Braille days in 2015 and 2017 respectfully.

Webson founded the “Friends of Vision” at the United Nation and pioneered the first resolution on vision at the United Nation in 2021.

Ambassador Webson served as Chair of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS), president of the boards of UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS as well as president of the board of UNICEF.

He was co-facilitator with Japan of the United Nation’s work on tuberculosis 2019. He chaired the Steering Committee on Accessibility at the United Nations from 2019 to present.

He facilitated and guided the UN Nations process on the establishment of the Multi vulnerability index and lead the most successful and largest United Nations conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4 2024.).

Ambassador Webson has worked as a leader within the Un system on matters of climate and the environment, disability, small island developing states, (SIDS) the sustainable development goals He has been an unapologetic champion for the development of small islands.

Ambassador Webson was the recipient of the Lewis Braille medal from the WBU in 2023 for outstanding achievement and leadership within the blindness community.

Ambassador Webson served as an advisor to the University of South Africa, (Pretoria South Africa) and he also served for two terms on the board of The International Centre of Non-profit Law.