Diane Bergeron currently works for the Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) and is the President of CNIB Guide Dogs and Treasurer for the World Blind Union (WBU). Diane Bergeron is also a life-long learner. She is an alumnus of both the Management Studies and the Rehabilitation Practitioner programs at MacEwan University. She is also a graduate of MacEwan’s Bachelor of Applied Human Services Administration program. In 2011, Diane graduated with distinction from the Master of Arts in Leadership program at Royal Roads University, where she was also the graduate student representative on the University Academic Council.

Diane Bergeron began her career within municipal administration as an advisor on disability issues and policy to the Edmonton City Council (Alberta). She left this position after five years, so she could advise the Alberta Government as a staff member of the Premier’s Council on the Status of Persons with Disabilities. For over eight years, Diane took on a number of projects and roles within the organization, including the Director of the Council Secretariat. In 2012 Diane accepted an Executive position with the Canadian National Institute for the Blind focusing on Advocacy and government relations. It was in this capacity that she began her international work through advocating to the Canadian Government to amend the Canadian Copyright Act to allow for Canada to accede to the Marrakesh Treaty. Canada became the 20th country to ratify the treaty in 2016 forcing the treaty to become international law.

In her role with CNIB, Diane began her work with the World Blind Union (WBU) as one of the four Canadian delegates for the WBU North America Caribbean (NAC) region. During her first term she was asked to Chair the WBU Youth Engagement and Leadership Committee. Diane lead the youth portfolio for the WBU for two terms. In 2021 Diane was successful in her bid as Treasurer of WBU and has been an active member of the WBU Table Officers. Diane also Chairs the WBU Women’s Committee advocating for women and girls with sight loss at conferences and at the United Nations CSW event.

Diane Bergeron has been an active volunteer within her community all her life, from working with youth groups and advocacy organizations for people with disabilities to supporting the work of post-secondary institutions. She has held many positions responsible for organizational governance and public relations.

Diane Bergeron also has a passion for adventure and is a bit of a daredevil! She has driven a race car, skydived, and rappelled down the side of a 29-story building. She has competed in longer and longer races and triathlon courses – she completed the 2017 Mont Tremblant Ironman as the only participant in the physically challenged category.

In her career, volunteer work, and in her personal friendships, Diane Bergeron continually helps others to understand that people are more than any label that has been placed on them. Diane truly believes that we are only limited by our own self-concept. Challenging stereotypes is her way of life and is how she opens ideas and conversations, and how she demonstrates that nothing is impossible if the will and support are there to try.